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The Process for Implementation

  • Determine school Literacy needs by analyzing data

  • Focus on a one year plan to implement 

  • Use quality resources and training materials for implementation of Professional Development

  • Invite county support and Teacher Leaders to provide Professional Development

  • Provide ongoing professional development with follow up meetings between teacher and Curriculum Coach

  • Determine plan to analyze progress monitoring data to see effectiveness


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Analyzing Data

Providing Ongoing Professional Development

Using current data gather from mClass, iReady, EOGs, and classroom grades we were able to design professional development to meet the needs of our teachers at each grade level.  These mini professional development opportunities were designed to be personalized for each teacher or grade level team. Each professional development had a goal aligned towards data.  After going to college for this degree, I have learned that it is important to make professional development relevant and to have follow up.  Each professional development has a follow up session that allows teacher and curriculum coach to work together to analyze implementation and goals to set moving forward.

2015-2016 mClass data

Identifing Literacy Needs

mClass data showed that our TRC reading levels for our school were over 50% below level.  Our Dibels data showed 68% proficiency in 2015-2016.

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Reading + Writing

The Common Core requires students to think and learn in a much deeper way, and one of the best ways to facilitate that deeper learning is to get kids writing.  With our data from mClass we planned a focus to provide professional development that connected writing and reading.  This was part of an ongoing mini professional development workshops that were offered weekly in professional learning community meetings.

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